Hello Beautiful Humans!
Thank you for subscribing to my newsletter and allowing me the space to share my perspective with you. I have been waiting on the sidelines for a very long time, waiting for the perfect moment to start. Waiting for that perfect thing that’s very authentic to me. And this just feels right - sharing what I have found on the internet with all of you feels so right.
I genuinely feel that these resources can help each one of you gain some perspective and enrich your human experience. So, without further ado, let's get into it!
Key Takeaways
Feeling Lonely is Normal: Sometimes, we feel like no one understands us or we can't express ourselves. That happens to lots of people, not just you. It's like having a bad day at the gym – nothing to fix, just understand, accept and learn.
No Imaginary Race: You might think you're falling behind or not doing enough. But really, who are you comparing yourself to? There's no imaginary scale for how fast you should achieve things. Take your time!
Different Cards in Life: Life gives us different cards. Some are awesome, and some are just okay. It's like a game. You can't be mad at the people who gave you those cards, though. Your job is to collect those cards by learning and growing from different sources.
Favorite Highlights
I think a lot of people who don’t ask for what they want explicitly end up resenting themselves and resenting the world.
When you get a lot of nos and then eventually get a yes, it helps you learn 1) how to get a yes and 2) many narratives you have about yourself are probably mistaken
The best cure for rejection sensitivity of any kind is to get rejected a lot.
Why You Should Check Him Out?
Authentic and refreshing perspective on building a new mindset.
Loves Chipotle (hehe)
Don’t trust me? Check some of his posts
That’s it for this week! Thank you for reading and I really appreciate your time and attention. Feel free to comment or shoot me a message if you found anything interesting in this edition.
Have a beautiful weekend,
Harsh Darji